Book’s graphic project – Diagramming, cover, image selection and manipulation, and graphic monitoring of the printing of the covers and other pages of the book at the begining of the year 2018.
A book that agroups the articles of the President of the National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC)1, with a focus on Tax Reformation to be presented to a select group of people. This publication has been subsequent to the Project of Standardization of the CNC’s Publications2 (a project that has taken at 2016).
Process and conceptualisation:
Economic Councilor of CNC and Coordinator of the Tecnical Council of CNC3, Ernane Galvêas (former Minister of Finance of Brazil (1980-1985) and former President of the Central Bank of Brazil (1968-1974 and 1979-1980)(IN MEMORIAN)), has been organized and grouped the articles on the topic that was one of the most relevant for CNC: Tax Reformation. The target of the publication has been that it would become supporting to lobbing influential figures in favour of that Reform.
The deadline to execute this job has been so short and I have already been with many other projects at the same moment and, then, in parallel to this job, the designer and my partner of CNC, Ricardo Almeida, together with the free-lance photographer, Guarim de Lorena, they have been conducting a project of creating an image bank, they have taken several material of pictures of the Port of Rio de Janeiro and other places, I have thought about the image bank that the two have been creating and I have been wanting to extend the perspective of the reaserch I have been doing, and then, thinking specifically on products of exportation, the theme was Tax Reformation, and analyzing the material they have already been producing, some pictures of the pier with containers have caught my attention, I have made a selection and added to my research of the job.
The Economic Councilor of CNC, Ernane Galvêas has given me the name of the publication, “The time is now”, which it would required a very clear layout to complement and to make the idea more explicit. I have reviewed the photographic material collected and all of my job’s reaserch, and then, I have stopped at the photo that has showed the moment exactly when the crane has been driving the container to have been placed on the truck for transportation. There it was: “This is the time! The action of the image has been making a connection with the title and connecting the two to the theme, Tax Reformation, because products of exportation are the most taxed according to the articles contained in this book.
This cover has made with five colours, black and four special colours (Pantone Green, Pantone Red 032, Pantone Yellow 012 and Pantone Medium Purple), vivid colours, the more basic colours, all these ones so strongers, lesser mixeds, some of the colours what I have chosen in this project, such as Pantone Green of the cover and Pantone Medium Purple of the back cover, are base colours of many other Pantones colours. I have done a graphic monitoring and when everyone received the copies, they liked it a lot, the journalist and member of the Technical Council, João Ricardo Moderno has commented that he had never seen a green like this.
1 National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC – br) – Patronal syndical entity, which groups 34 Federations in the whole Brazilian territory, 27 referring to their respective states in Brazil and 7 of these 34 at national level, there are more than five million companies represented in the commerce that generate around 25.5 million direct and formal jobs, it acts in order that the sector is always present at the formulation of public policies, following the progress of the proposals of interest in the National Congress of Brazil and in the defense of the Constitution of Brazil, always it having in focus the laws that may impact the segment.
The CNC was founded at 4th September of 1945, its current President is José Roberto Tadros, who succeeded Antonio Oliveira Santos, in an election that was held in 2018, and it is responsible for the administration of two institutions of great performances in Brazil and that form one of the largest systems of social development in the world, the institution of Commerce Social Service (Sesc – and the institution of National Service of Commercial Learning (Senac –, the first mentioned, with social projects, such as Mesa Brasil, Ecos Program of sustainability etc. (acts in the following areas: Alimentation, Culture, Education, Health, Leisure, Social Assisntence, Sports, Sustainability etc.) and the second in assisting the training and qualification of employees of the companies in the commerce sector (shopkeepers, waiters, chefs, hoteliers etc.).
2 Project of Standardization of the CNC’s Publications – A project in which the head of the Communications Office, Cristina Calmon, journalists from the sector and four designers from the CNC (myself included), together with an external communications office and a graphic design office hired studied all the publications produced in the entity to date, creating a line of reasoning, comparing them with each other, segmenting the various types of content of the entity and creating a harmony in relation to the new visual identity of the CNC (launched in 2012), creating a catalogue, etc. The publications were divided into groups: 1) Technical books; 2) Author’s books; 3) Reports; 4) Manuals; 5) Magazines; 6) Digital newsletters and digital publications.
3 Technical Council of the CNC – Group where several men and women who they have been standing out on their respective areas presenting lectures and later transform in their articles, they are diplomats, judges, lawyers, economists, philosophers etc., among them is the Coordinator of the Tecnical Council and Economic Councilor of CNC, Ernane Galvêas (former Minister of Finance of Brazil (1980-1985) and former President of the Central Bank of Brazil (1968-1974 and 1979-1980)(IN MEMORIAN)), José Bernardo Cabral (Rapporteur of the Brazilian Constituent Assembly of 1988, former Minister of Justice and former Senator of the Republic), Carlos Tadeu de Freitas Gomes (former Director of the Central Bank), Cid Heraclito de Queiroz (former Attorney General of the Brazilian Treasury 1979-1991), Ives Gandra da Silva Martins (Professor Emeritus of the Universities Mackenzie, UNIP, UNIFEO, UNIFMU, of CIEE/ O Estado de São Paulo, of the Army Command and Staff Schools (ECEME), Superior War College (ESG) and of the Magistrature of the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region; Honorary Professor of the Universities of Austral (Argentina), San Martin de Porres (Peru) and Vasili Goldis (Romania); Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities of Craiova (Romania) and the PUCs of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, and Professor of the University of Minho (Portugal); Chairman of the Superior Council of Law of FECOMÉRCIO-SP; former President of the Academia Paulista de Letras (APL) and of the Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo (IASP)), Arnaldo Niskier (Member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and former President of CIEE/RJ), Vasco Mariz (historian and diplomat, former Brazilian Ambassador to Ecuador, Israel, Cyprus, Peru and Germany), Nelson Mello e Souza (philosopher, former Chancellor of Estácio de Sá University and member of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy), Samuel Buzaglo (lawyer, former Deputy Attorney General of the Brazilian Republic), João Paulo de Almeida Magalhães (economist and researcher at the Centre for Development Studies of CORECON/RJ), Arnaldo Wald (lawyer and Professor at UERJ), Marcus Faver (Judge, former President of TJRJ), Claudio Contador (economist, Executive Director of SILCON), Mary Del Priore (historian and writer, member of the Academia Paulista de Letras), João Ricardo Moderno (journalist), Roberto Fendt (economist, former Special Secretary of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy of Brazil, Executive Secretary of the Brazil-China Business Council), Maria Beltrão (archeologist, scientist and researcher, former teacher at UERJ, former Director of External Relations of the IHGB), Gilberto Paim (journalist) etc.